A grande polêmica em torno da eficácia da homeopatia se apoia no discurso daqueles que alegam não existirem estudos especÃficos sobre sua eficácia. Aqui vão alguns estudos ClÃnicos e Biológicos que tratam do assunto. Essa é uma coletânea antiga que fiz.
Atualmente há muitos outros mais em revistas indexadas. Basta fazer uma pesquisa. Então vamos lá:
Paterson J., Report on mustard gás experiments, British Homeopathic Journal, 1943; 33: 1-12
Paterson J.,Report on the gás experiments, Journal of American Institut of Homeopathy, 1944; 37 : 47-50, 88-92
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Gibson R, Gibson S, MacNeill A, Buchanan W, the place for non-pharmaceutical therapy in chronic rheumatoid arthritis: a critical study of homeopathy, British Homeopathic Journal, 1980; 69, 121-133
Owen R, Ives G, The mustard gás experiments of the British Homeopathic Society 1942,Proceedings of the XXXV International Homeopathic Congress, 1982; 258-269
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Reilly D, Taylor M, Potent placebo or potency ? A proposed study model with initial findings using homeopathically prepared polens in hayfever, British Homeopathic Journal, 1985 ; 74 : 65-75
Reilly D, Taylor M, Mc Sharry C, Aitchison T, Is homeopathy a placebo reponse ? Controlled trial of homeopathic potency, with Pollen in hayfever as model, The Lancet, 1986 ; 881-886
Fisher P, An experimental doublé-blind clinical trial method in homeopathy. Use of a limited range of remedies to treat fibrosits, British Homeopathic Journal, 1986 ; 75, 142-147
O´Keefe D , Is homeopathy a placebo response ? The lancet, 1986 ; ii : 29 : 1106-1107
Ferley J, Zmirou D, D´Adhemar D, Balducci F, A controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation in treatement of influenza-like syndromes, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1989; 27 : 329-335
Fisher P, Greenwood A, Huskinsson E, Turner P, Bolon P, Effect of homeopathic treatment on fibrositis ( prymary fribromyalgia), British Medical Journal; 1989 ; 299 : 365-366
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Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, Riet G, Clinical trials of homeopathy, British Medical Journal, 1991 ; 302 : 316-323
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Brigo B, Serpelloni G, Homeopathic treatement of migraines : a randomized doublé-blind study of sixty cases ( homeopathy X placebo), Berl. J. Res. Hom. , 1991 ; 1 ; 98-106
Jacobs J, Jimenez L, Gloyd S, Carares F, Gaitan M, Crothers D, Homeopathic treatement of acute childhood diarrhea, British Homeopathic Journal, 1993 ; 82 : 83-86
De Lange de Klerk E, Blommers J, Kuik D., Bezemer P, Feenstra L, Effect of homeopathic medicines on daily burden of symptons in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, British Medical Journal , 1994 ; 309(6965) : 1329-32
Jacobs J, Jimenez L, Gloyd S, Galé J, Crothers D, Treatement of acute childhood diarrhea with homeopathic medicine : a randomized clinical trial in Nicarágua, Pediatrics, 1994 ; vol 93, 5 : 719-725
Reilly D, Taylor M, Beattie N, Campbell J, Mc Sharry C, Aitchison T, Carter R, Stevenson R. , Is evidence for homeopathy reproductible? , The Lancet , 1994; 344 : 1601-1606
Bissuel F, Cotte L, Crapanne J, Rougier P, Schlienger I, Trepo C, Trimethropim-sulphamethoxazole rechallenge in 20 previously allergic HIV-infected patients after homeopathic desensibilisation , AIDS , 1995 ; 9 , n° 4 , 407-408
Boissel J, Cucherat M, Haugh M, Gauthier E, Overview of data from homeopathic medicine trials : report on the efficacy of homeopathic interventions over no treatement or placebo, Report to the European Commission, D.G. XIII, 1996
Rothwell P, Aulas J, Kahn M, Gagnon R, Van Duijn P, Happle R, Letters to the Editor : Is evidencefor homeopathy reproductible? , The Lancet, 1995 ; 345 , 251-252
Conforti A, Bertani S, Metelmann H, Chirumbolo S, Luissignoli S, Bellavite P, Experimental studies on the anti-inflamatory activity of a homeopathic preparation, Biomed. Ther. , 1997 ; 15(1) : 28-31
Linde K, Clausius N, Ramirez G, Melchart D, Eitel F, Hedges V, Jonas W, , Are the clinical effectes of homeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials, The Lancet , 1997 ; 350 , 9081 : 834-843
Matusiewicz R, The homeopathic treatement of corticosteroid-dependent asthma. A doublé-blind, placebo-controlled study, Biomed. Ther. , 1997 ; 15(4) : 117-122
Papp R, Schubaack G, Beck E, Burkard G, Bengel J, Lehrl S, Belon P, Oscilococcinum° in patients with influenza-like syndromes : a placebo-contrlled double-blind evaluation, British Homeopathic Journal , 1998 ; 87 : 69-76
Albrecht H, Schutte A, Homeopathy versus antibiotics in metaphylaxis of infections diseases : a clinical study in pig fattening and its significance to consumers , Altern. Ther. Health. Méd. , 1999 ; 5(5) : 64-8
Handshuh J, Debray M, Modification of cutâneos blood flow by skin application of homeopathic anti-inflamatory gels , S.T.P. pharma sciences , 1999 ; 9 (2) : 219-222
Jonas W, , Do homeopathic nosodes protect against infection ? Na experimental test. Altern. Ther. Health. Méd. , 1999 ,; 5 (5) : 36-40
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Weiser M, Gegenheimer L, Klein P, A randomized equivalence trial comparing the efficacy and safety of Luffa comp.-Heel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatement of seasonal allergic rhinitis, ; Forsch Komplementarmed, 1999 ; 6 : 142-148
Aabel S., No beneficial effect of isopathic prophylactic treatment for birch pollen allergy during a low-pollen season : a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of homeopathic Betula 30c, British Homeopathic Journal, 2000 ; 89(4) : 169-73.
Aabel S., Laerum E., Dolvik S., Djupesland P., Is homeopathic ‘immunotherapy’ effective? A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with the isopathic remedy Betula 30c for patients with birch pollen allergy, British Homeopathic Journal, 2000; 89(4) : 161-8.
Balzarini A., Felisi E., Martini A., De Conno F., Efficacy of homeopathic treatment of skin reactions during radiotherapy for breast cancer ; a randomized , double-blind clinical trial, British Homeopathic Journal, 2000 ; 89(1) : 8-12.
Jacobs J., Jimenez M., Malthouse S., Chapman E., Crothers D., Masuk M., Jonas W., Homeopathic treatment of acute childhood diarrhea : results from a clinical trial in Nepal., J. Altern. Complement. Med., 2000 ; 6(2) : 131-9.
Taylor M.A., Reilly D., Llewellyn-Jones R.H., McSharry C. et Aitchison T.C., Randomised controlled trial of homeopathy versus placebo in perennial rhinitis with overview of four trial series, British Homeopathic Journal, 2000 ; 321 : 471-476.
Aabel S., Prophylactic and acute treatment with homeopathic medicine, Betula 30c for birch pollen allergy : a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of consistency of VAS responses, British Homeopathic Journal, 2001 ; 90(2) : 73-8.
Berrebi A., Parant O., Ferval F., Thene M., Ayoubi J.M., Connan L., Belon P., Traitment de la douleur de la montée laiteuse non souhaitée par homéopathie dans le post-partum immédiat, J. Gynecol. Obstet. Biol. Reprod. (Paris), 2001 ; 30(4) : 353-7.
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